Sunday, November 07, 2004

Their sage...

has his say. "Clinton attributed Kerry's loss to the Democrats' failure to combat how they were portrayed by Republicans to small-town America." Hmmmm, I wonder if that's anything like the way that democrats falsely portray Republicans to ANYONE who will listen to them. When I read dribble like this I always think back to Rush's comments about how if you want to know what dems really do and think just listen to what they accuse Republicans of.

Bill Clinton does essentially lie in anything he says anyway. And I don't think that anything he says is really all that substantial. Justin, Matt, remember the time when we were all into fruit snacks and were getting like the 50 packs from Costco and we had that discussion about how how much better modern fruit snacks were than the ones we enjoyed as children? I consider that conversation to be more consequential than anything Clinton says.

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