Wednesday, November 10, 2004


One of the whinning points of distraught democrats lately has included murmurs of secession. Personally I believe that the divisions in our Country are deepest in their (the dems) own deranged mind. Here is a quote that I liken most to my own view of how "divided" the country is; "if you live in a two-party democracy, then you live in a divided society. That's the way it works. One party wins, the other loses. And just because one party is out of power doesn't inevitably mean that the states who voted for the losing candidate need to start thinking about secession".


TimDido said...

I get a little tired of listening to them whine, but I must confess that I've heard the same sentiment on the right should Kerry win. No matta. It's just kinda funny 'cause theirs seems a bit more legitimate, being on the 'shout-shows' on the cable news nets, whereas red staters who talked of secession would be viewed as crazy and not afforded that sort of serious attention.

Engicon said...

Possibly I was a little too obtuse, but I was trying to point out some related irony in one of my earlier posts. I.e. the party who, in their current form, would all but abolish federalism wouldn't have to whine near as much if the form taken by the federal government didn't have so much impact on their daily lives.