Tuesday, November 16, 2004

The CIA, Sensitive?

Really, one story in the news lately is about people leaving the CIA as a result of new director, Porter Goss. A lot of the stories I have read infer that it is a bad thing and is causing chaos at the CIA. This leads me to wonder, I remember earlier this year all the stories on the CIA were about how it was in disarray and how it needed to be done over and such. Of course now that the CIA is being cleaned up, all of a sudden its "turmoil" and there's fear that "the drain of talent could spin out of control". I haven't even gotten to the worst part yet, the reasons given for the two people listed as leaving in the article are said to have done so because of the "brusque manner" in which they were addressed by the staff of the new director. Really, I never knew that CIA agents had to be handled with kid gloves..

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