Monday, November 08, 2004


On why the movie 'Alfie' did not do that well this past weekend during it's release, Paramount spokesman Wayne Llewellyn said "It seems to be the result of the election". He goes on about the conservative nature of the country right now and that people don't want to see a movie about a "guy that slept around". I had to mention this as it is quite possibly the weirdest thing that I will see today.


TimDido said...

Uh, Wayne? Maybe it sucked.

Engicon said...

No, no, it's actually a good movie. I'm sure. You see, the thing is, Mr. Llewellyn actually knows what the American people are really like. It's just that we're not in the right mood just now. The majority of people didn't vote conservative because that's what they really believe, they did it because of the election. Confused yet? Good, so is Mr. Llewellyn.