Friday, November 19, 2004

Sore Loser

I believe that John Kerry will soon become more like Al Gore, disrespectful and irresponsible in making baseless and accusatory statements, as the election's conclusion becomes further in the past. In a recent statement Kerry said that the American people voted for President Bush because they were "scared" and blamed his loss on "that Usama tape". This statement shows that Kerry had long presumed a win, disregarding the notion that people voted for our President because they believed in him.

Like Gore before him, Kerry thought of George W. Bush as an unworthy opponent. Wrapped up in their own arrogance they both wondered how they could lose to someone like him. Gore did win the popular vote, narrowly but also narrowly lost the electoral college and according to our country's election laws lost the election. Because of the popular vote I think that Gore, and many democrats, never truly conceded the election and harbored bitterness from it. The proof is in the many speeches and statements by Gore since which has made him irrelevant and a joke.

In "that Usama tape" and the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth Kerry has built himself excuses for losing the election and has already shown bitterness. His statements in the future will no doubt grow more irrational and silly. It is disturbing and will annoy many people but there is a silver lining. At the very least this kind of behavior will invalidate another presidential run in 2008 by the Senator.

1 comment:

TimDido said...

I want to see a Gore-esque meltdown from Kerry. Gore actually became less of a stick in the mud when he showed his true liberal colors. I've been quite entertained by his fire-and-brimstone speeches of late. So Kerry could show a little life by doing the same. Why don't these guys show their true colors when the run? Oh yeah, they're liberals.