Thursday, November 18, 2004

More Narcissist liberal thought

As I read Ann Coulter's latest column this morning I noticed this part, "If liberals think the Bush vote was composed of illiterate homophobes who fear women in the workplace, perhaps the Democrats should start demanding literacy tests to vote." Of course, we all know that no lib will ever request literacy tests for voters, many of the libs are cursing "dumb", "uneducated" folks now but soon enough they will make a play for those people they continue to demean with promises of a socialist utopia. Anyway, the libs assumption that Republicans are afraid of "women's rights" is sad but very true and is pervasive all around. The thing is one just needs to notice any of the liberal articles and cartoons belittling Dr. Rice, new Secretary of State appointee, to see what is really thought of powerful, intelligent women (who choose to be conservative) by those who claim to be "higher/open minded". A while back I was volunteering at a small county fair at the Republican party booth and a self-described "liberal libertarian" (Ugh, writing those words hurts, like two punches to the chest) looked me straight in the eye and accused "I know you, I know that you think that I shouldn't, that women shouldn't have the right to vote, don't you?". I hadn't said two words to this woman prior to the accusation, her presumption based entirely on party affiliation. I told her that she was wrong, very much so and all I got was a condescending nod and all I could do was be thankful for when she left.

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