Wednesday, December 29, 2004

I did not know this

I used to think that the term "Xmas" was a secular way to acknowledge Christmas but I was wrong, it turns out that the X stands for Christ, but in Greek;

"Xristos is a transliteration of the New Testament Greek word for Christ "criston." The Greek letter Chi 'c' was retained to insure a connection to the roots and original texts, as well as visually represent the centrality of the cross in all. The visual symbol Chi-ro is also employed at various places by Xristos, recalling one of the earliest practices of the Christian community."

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Dan Rathers, Peter Jennings, and a U.S. Marine

Found at via Instapundit.

Dan Rather and Peter Jennings, along with a U.S. Marine assigned to protect them, were hiking through the Iraqi desert one day when they were captured by terrorists. They were tied up, led to a village, and brought before the Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the al Qaeda leader in Iraq.

Zarqawi said, "I am familiar with your western custom of granting the condemned a last wish; so, before we kill and dismember you, do you have any last requests?"

Dan Rather said, "Well, I'm a Texan; so I'd like one last bowlful of hot spicy chili." Zarqawi nodded to an underling who left and returned with the chili. Rather ate it all and said, "Now I can die content."

Peter Jennings said, "I am Canadian, so I'd like to hear the song 'O Canada' one last time." Zarqawi nodded to a terrorist who had studied the Western world and knew the music. He returned with some rag-tag musicians and played the anthem. Jennings sighed and declared he could now die peacefully.

Zarqawi turned and said, "And now, Mr. U.S. Marine, what is your final wish?"

"Kick me in the ass," said the Marine.

"What?" asked Zarqawi. "Will you mock us in your last hour?"

"No, I'm not kidding. I want you to kick me in the ass," insisted the Marine. So the leader shoved him into the open, and kicked him in the ass.

The Marine went sprawling, but rolled to his knees, pulled out a 9mm pistol hidden in his cammies, and shot Zarqawi dead.

In the resulting confusion, he leapt to his knapsack, pulled out his M4 carbine, and sprayed the remaining terrorists with gunfire. In a flash, they were either dead or fleeing for their lives.

As the Marine was untying Rather and Jennings, they asked him, "Why didn't you just shoot them? Why did you ask them to kick you in the ass?"

"What," replied the Marine, "and have you assholes call me the aggressor?"

Monday, December 27, 2004

Libruls n Jesus

Rush brought up a few days ago how the Revuhruhnd Jacksnnnnn was using Jesus' birth as a way to criticize Bush. This is a common tactic of the liberals around Christmas, since we all know they love the homeless...especially when they stay homeless so they can show us how morally superior they are to us by "caring" for them. Anyway, Mark Steyn wrote this in NRODT a couple weeks ago:
For Pete's sake, they weren't homeless - they couldn't get a hotel room. They had to sleep in a stable only because Dad had to schlep halfway across the country to pay his taxes in the town of his birth, which sounds like the kind of cockamamie bureaucratic nightmare only a blue state could dream up. Except that in Massachusetts, it's no doubt illegal to rent out your stable without applying for a Livestock Shelter Maternity Ward for Non-Insured Transients License, so Mary would have been giving birth under a bridge on I-95.

Heh heh, good rebuttal. And one rarely mentioned, even by conservatives.

Crichton rocks

It seems that Michael Crichton's newest book is about a group of "scientists" and activists who stage climate shift type events to falsely support global warming. Cool.
I found the info via this article which gives the "that isn't cool" side of the argument.
I just saw that movie, The Day After Tomorrow over the holiday. Kind of an interesting movie. The basic premise of the movie, that we are on the verge of the occurance of an instant ice age, is almost certainly completely scientifically insane. Yet the movie goes into a fair amount of detail of how an instant freeze could happen. Like if I claimed that the moon is made of cheese then provided a detailed documentation of how the moon reflects the same spectra as a specific kind of cheese.

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Happy Festivus!

I would like to wish everyone a happy Festivus, and hope that you win your challenges in the feats of strength. A Festivus for the rest of us!

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

The real McCain

Recently there have been several (here, here, here and here) articles speculating on the future presidential aspirations of the mainstream media's and the democrat's favorite Republican, John McCain. During his first run he was not a difficult candidate to support but I believe that his outwardly obvious political posturing of late doing everything he can to show himself against the Bush administration is going too far.

Although McCain considers himself a "straight talker", I believe that his opposition is purely a political consideration. This consideration is that after two terms the public will grow weary of the Republican party and be looking towards that mythical 'moderation'. McCain has played the media like a maestro, obviously knowing that a 'Rebublican' who always opposes Republicans will be portrayed as a hero in the press. He has played this line and now everything said by him is quoted in any newspaper as being beyond reproach.

The simple truth is that before everything, McCain is a politician first. Certainly he has his own political leanings and a right to those but he seems to be more reactionary and more than willing to play to the media and Republican hostile crowds. I bring this all up because of a part of an article that I read this morning with the following line, "...said Marshall Wittmann, who served as McCain's spokesman until last month, when he joined the Democratic Leadership Council."

The reason this line piqued my interest is that I remember in May, at the Arizona Republican Party convention, how lonely the volunteer collecting signatures for Senator McCain's reelection was. He has alienated a lot of Republicans in his quest for media legitimacy and his former spokesman now taking post at a democrat think tank just shows another reason why. Obviously this spokesman has had either democrat leanings or has always been a democrat. McCain's choice is his but it's of questionable judgment to assign such a prestigious post to someone of the opposing party if you want to be taken seriously as a Republican by Republicans.

This is why I think that the Senator's presidential aspirations will once again not likely make it past the primaries. While basking in the bright lights of political celebrity he has simply forgotten the party of which he proclaims himself a member and will pay for that oversight when that party votes for it's candidate.

Monday, December 20, 2004

Flag Ranking

Stumbled on this story about how NJ flags (state and also Newark, Trenton, and Jersey City) suck, and remembered that NM's flag was ranked first a couple years ago in the state flag ranking. Now there is a city flag ranking out. The "greatest city on earth" got 25th. Well, the greatest city to me, at least. I rather like NM's flag, makes me miss home....I still haven't changed my license plates.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Jersey Bashing

There are plenty of things to hate about New Jersey, but one of the biggest is the fact that it is illegal to pump your own gas. Jersey's only one of two states (OR being the other) to not allow this. The law against pumping your own gas was passed in 1949 to keep drivers safe by allowing only "professionals" to do this activity deemed to hazardous for normal folks. I just spent 30 minutes at a gas station off of Route 1 filling up. Here's how it went:

Pull into gas station. There is a backup of about 3 cars on the left side stations, and one on each right side station. Of course, there is a left side car at the right side stations (mine being one of them) unable to pump because a right side car is filling up and no room to get our tanks close enough to the pump. Waste 5 minutes waiting.

Right side car leaves, and I am able to pull forward to the pump he just left. I pull up, pop the tank door, and wait a couple minutes for the attendant to get to the car.

Attendant runs over, and I voice my standard request: "fillup on 93 octane". This "professional" gives me a blank stare and asks me "re-goo-lar?" in a foreign accent. I say, "93 octane". He points to the pump and gives me a quizzical look. He then asks, "soo-per?" I point at the 93 octane button. The "professional" then points at the 93 octane button and in a lecturing tone says "soo-per". Whatever man, just fill it up, so I nod. "Cash or credit card?" I give him my Visa, and he asks "fill?". YES, you !@%$!@!!! By this time, another 3 or 4 minutes have been wasted. He goes through the rigmarole and gas begins flowing into my car. He conveniently places my Visa in the pump card slot for everyone to see and leaves.

Waiting....waiting.....after 5 minutes elapse, I look at the pump display. The gas is pumping at an extremely slow rate, I'm only at 5 gallons. In the meantime, my window is open and rain is coming in, so I close it and wait some more.

Check again 3 minutes later, and the pump has stopped! At only 5.5 gallons! "Professional" runs over and pulls the lever to get gas flowing again. It flows at the same slow rate.

5 more minutes pass, I'm at 11 gallons. I glance over and a New Yorker gets out of his car and begins pumping his own gas. The "professional" runs over and tells him he's not allowed. New Yorker gives look of unbelief.

"Professional" then runs over and discovers something when I'm at 15 gallons. The pump dispenser was not in the tank all the way. Hmmmm, as an experienced self-server, I figured out that this would decrease pumping rate in high school. I'm paying higher prices for this crap service?

In the meantime, a backlog has piled up in front of me as more frustrated drivers wait their turn to get gas pumped on the left side station. After the "professional" gives me my credit card back and tells me "thank yoo" I wait another 2-3 minutes for an opening in this line so I can get out of the gas station. The ordeal is over.

This is a perfect example of how idiot FDR type liberalism makes things worse. A similar tirade was published on NRO a year ago. Wanna show a liberal why their economic views are stupid? Make them take a trip down the Turnpike and see government regulation at its finest.

Friday, December 17, 2004


This story is amazing - this Italian chick invents a story that she has herpes to cover up that she has had plastic surgery! I would imagine it would be the other way around. Also, it seems strange she would be ashamed of having plastic surgery in a nation where it is celebrated. Maybe there's some other angle to the story that they didn't put in or I missed.

Job hunting

Reently I've been looking for new employment as I've decided that it would be nice to let someone new have a chance to suck my soul and rob my late twenties as my early twenties are now gone and in a certain major corporation's lockbox. As everyone knows, it's just not an easy task, looking through page after page of unappealing want ads or finding something interesting that requires relocation to Antarctica. Anyway, today I think I may have found a direction; "A federal judge agreed to let an engineer testify in the case of an allegedly flaming toaster snack, concluding that Michael Wald has studied frosted Pop-Tarts". I read that and realized:

1. I'm an engineer
2. I too have studied frosted pop tarts

This must have been like the day that Mozart first stepped to the Piano!

Thursday, December 16, 2004


We're on geography.


Eddie would go. I'm not much of a surfer (only the once in Kauai) but I've often gazed longingly at the coastal states, and now I have my chance to do it and get better in Jersey. To me, surfing is the grandfather of all boardsports, where the 'soul' is. Not to knock the young punk nephew, snowboarding (my true love). Congrats to Bruce, whose home island is where Nic and I spent our honeymoon getting reef rash on foam boards in Poipu - and where we intend on returning one day.

Shopping guide

This is cool, my favorite is the Hummer slot car.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Another Diversion

like Engicon's states challenge. I've been doing this on and off for the past couple of weeks trying to raise New Jersey above West Virginia. I have problems with kerplakistans and small west African countries.

Something to do on an ariplane

Finally, "Federal regulators voted Wednesday to give airline passengers high-speed Internet connections while they fly." A good idea, I think. Let's just hope that the airlines make it reasonable, if they charge at all. Albuquerque International AIRPORT (That's right damnit, "sunport" is a stupid name and I will never never use it) already has FREE wireless access in the terminal. In the same article the possibility of cell phone usage on planes was also discussed, I'm for this also. The only argument listed is the aversion to being amongst a sea of conversations mid-flight. Personally, I don't think that this will be a big deal but I do see the point, mostly regarding the folks who need to learn to dial it down a few in the volume dial when talking on a cell phone.


it was a butterfly ballot? Why can't Democrats figure out the process from which they derive their name?

Super Size Me

nuther movie I watched. Fairly entertaining - it has its moments (like when he ralphs up his first super sized meal). Sometimes he tries a little too hard to be Michael Moore-ish, and I don't mean by stuffing his schnoz with fries. One key plot line was that his body pretty much completely rejected his diet - the doctors were very concerned with his liver 2 weeks into his experiment. This was a beating stick he used against fast food. But what do you expect when you suddenly change your diet? Of course it will take some time for your body to adjust, and in the interim would appear like it was poisoning your body. Kinda like binge drinking isn't exactly the healthiest lifestyle choice.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Moonbat alert

found via LGF, this priceless piece of prose from the Pasadena Weekly.

Monday, December 13, 2004

Place the states

Is it a red state or a blue state? Do you even know where it is?

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Cold War Memories

So nobody forgets the attitude of Western liberals during the Cold War: remember how they believed that the big "H" History of Marx was on the march and we, the democratic capitalist nations of the world, were going to be mowed over. They believed it was our fate: how could anybody stand up to the might of the Red Army and this ideology that fueled them? And with nations falling like dominoes, how long would it be before our turn came up? Besides, their system is more fair anyway. "To each according to his need, from each according to his ability." (I'm paraphrasing)
I comment on this because I started reading a book about the history of Fluid Mechanics and in the beginning, the author is explaining the importance of water as a fluid. He is describing a Soviet plan to use solar energy to distill water when he says:
Even in the USSR, which has a planned economy and therefore cannot be regarded as the most wasteful country in the world, each year some 3,000,000 tons of acids, 2,000,000 tons of oil products, 1,000,000 tons of fats, and hundreds of thousands of tons of salt, fibres and metal are dumped into rivers.
In the United States (undoubtedly the most wasteful country) whole rivers and lakes are being polluted to such an extent that they can no longer be used for drinking or swimming purposes.
Those parenthesis are not my editorial comments. Those were his thoughts. He clearly believed that Communism was superior. This book was published in 1971, when this sort of thought reached a fever pitch (culminating in sissy boy Jimmah!'s stern rebuke of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan by boycotting the Olympics). This was a typical attitude among academics and the left in general during this time period. Never forget that. Whenever you argue with a liberal about the Cold War, never cease to remind them of this.


done with all midterms and now wait for finals - but Mr. Fourier and Mr. Laplace, as well as singular perturbations, can wait for I have a Caribbean to conquer. I don't know why, but it is satisfying to see a Dutch flag flying above Cartagena. Well, I have to rescue the governor of Curacao's hot daughter so I can marry her. Interesting how they "attractiveness" of the women in this game scales directly with the volume of their chests. They sure have the key demographic for this game nailed.

Friday, December 10, 2004

Good news

for one of our better allies in recent times.

Moveon to Dems: We own you

as they state in this story. In the story, Moveon says they raised money through "grassroots contributors". me crazy, but I think George Soros doesn't really count as "grassroots".

Thursday, December 09, 2004

How appropriate

Some choice words this morning from a Slate piece that I think aptly describes a certain liberal group. "MoveOn, however, isn't an organization so much as an outlet. It's a network of aggrieved liberals, connected by the central nervous system of the Internet, and it enables its members to convince themselves they're "doing something" when they're really not." I couldn't have said it better myself.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004


A news item from Boston; "To help boost donations to the Marine Corps Toys for Tots campaign, city officials are allowing motorists to pay their fines with toys equal in value to the amount owed." Unfortunately, only citations "issued Dec. 1, 2 or 3 are eligible for the program".

Poll madness

This is something that I just couldn't let go without saying something. At the end of the election I was tired. I was sick of hearing about it. I was sick of people talking about it. It seemed as though every talking head on the news thought they were exclusively tuned into the public psyche. The most obnoxious of the offenders were the pollsters. I couldn't go twenty minutes in September and October without hearing about how Zogby was the closest in 2000. His interviews were swallowed by the interviewer as if his words were gospel. This was in spite of the fact that what he said seemed to change daily.

Anyway, to make an actual point, I was an annoyed Steve by the time the election finally came to. And I was more than relieved, and of course happy, when it was over. A big cause of my headache were the endless polls. That's why I had to bring up the complete waste that I linked above. The beginning tells the reader all that they need to know; "It seems that even Republican respondents to a Zogby poll understood that being Republican is not the same as being kind". Ugh. "plurality of likely voters say that longtime Christmas fixture Santa Claus is a Democrat" and "Ebenezer Scrooge and the Grinch are likely Republicans".

The only thing that I get from this poll is something that I've known for ever anyway . That democrats have been very good, for a very long time, at demonizing Republicans. If Santa Claus were really a democrat, he would take half the toys of the kids who have them and then keep most of them for himself, leaving a single plastic soldier for the needy children while exploiting them and presuming their allegiance.

A tad bit oveboard you say. That's probably right, but you know what? Stupid polls like this really put me in a sour mood. Ugh.


the Democrats try to make their message sound better, linked to and commented on by Best of the Web (first item). Rush has commented on this before. The Democrats say, "If only we had someone like Rush to make our ideas sound good!" To which Rush replies, "well, the reason my ideas sound good is, well, they're good." Guys like Lakoff are supposed "experts" and they don't even understand their own countrymen.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

One more reason

I have no respect for the French.

General fights back

against the media, saying they are trying to tarnish the military with these new pictures. Well, more specifically, the Arab media. But I say what's the dif?

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Another good movie

Go out and rent Luther. About Martin Luther. I found it inspirational and uplifting, although my ignorance of this period of history has me curious as to how historically accurate the movie is - from what little I know of Luther I think it is pretty true to the story. What I found myself pondering was the similarity between the justification for the Roman Catholic tyranny of that time and the justification for liberal policy today. The idea that the people should not be trusted with the scriptures because the "elite" had a better understanding of them directly parallels liberal orthodoxy - that the masses cannot be trusted to make their own decisions and must rely on a wiser third party to make the decision.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004