Friday, December 17, 2004

Job hunting

Reently I've been looking for new employment as I've decided that it would be nice to let someone new have a chance to suck my soul and rob my late twenties as my early twenties are now gone and in a certain major corporation's lockbox. As everyone knows, it's just not an easy task, looking through page after page of unappealing want ads or finding something interesting that requires relocation to Antarctica. Anyway, today I think I may have found a direction; "A federal judge agreed to let an engineer testify in the case of an allegedly flaming toaster snack, concluding that Michael Wald has studied frosted Pop-Tarts". I read that and realized:

1. I'm an engineer
2. I too have studied frosted pop tarts

This must have been like the day that Mozart first stepped to the Piano!

1 comment:

TimDido said...

Yes, pyrotartology.

More research fields: