Monday, December 27, 2004

Crichton rocks

It seems that Michael Crichton's newest book is about a group of "scientists" and activists who stage climate shift type events to falsely support global warming. Cool.
I found the info via this article which gives the "that isn't cool" side of the argument.
I just saw that movie, The Day After Tomorrow over the holiday. Kind of an interesting movie. The basic premise of the movie, that we are on the verge of the occurance of an instant ice age, is almost certainly completely scientifically insane. Yet the movie goes into a fair amount of detail of how an instant freeze could happen. Like if I claimed that the moon is made of cheese then provided a detailed documentation of how the moon reflects the same spectra as a specific kind of cheese.

1 comment:

TimDido said...

I actually read the book a few days ago. It's a good read, but not as good a novel as other Crichton novels. This is purely a literary criticism. It's a lot of action interspersed with didactic lectures - granted, I like the lectures because I agree with them. But definitely not his best book (which I still think is Sphere). I'll put a post up later because I found his arguments against global warming hysteria (which he practically called pseudo-science) illuminating - they were things I understood but had not articulated so I'm glad he did it.