Friday, November 24, 2006

No Wonder

The people of Michigan have spoken, "no more racism". Sadly, "virtually every major GOP official and organization, including the gubernatorial candidate, opposed the measure..." Is it any wonder that the RNC lost big? Using this issue as an example, there is no need to wonder. A clear moral decision and Michigan state Republicans were on the wrong side. Happily, the people were on the right side. In another example of ineptitude, Senate GOP leadership had to be thwarted by a vocal minority. Take it upon themselves to cut the pork? Nah, let's see what the Democrats do with it. Has the federal budget really increased by 50 percent over the last six years?
Finally, on a positive note,
here are some Republicans doing something useful. Maybe we could replace the guys on Capitol Hill with College Republicans?

Thursday, November 16, 2006

It begins?

Are they already trying to pull out enough rope to hang themselves in '08?

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

What's Really Important

I've often considered the priorities of Gov Richardson to be smoke and mirrors, mostly image and not all that much concerned with issues in the state. From the braggadocious commercials detailing the recent film exploits of New Mexico (without mentioning the huge tax breaks for filmmakers or the fact the state has to pose as some other locale) to his enormous entourage at public events and insistence on being treated as a kind of royalty (Yes, the Governor of New Mexico has a list of demands when he graciously makes an appearance much like Brittany Spears or Madonna).

I've always considered Richardson to be nothing more than a politician, a very good one, but nothing more. Harsh, perhaps but the evidence is there and always has been. Now that the governor's race is over, many expect Richardson to focus on an 08 Presidential run and his statements on a recent poll give me no reason to think any different about his priorities...
Richardson said he's honored that a majority of voters consider him good presidential material. He said New Mexicans are proud when a local leader gets national attention and brings more visibility to the state.
Because apparently, what's important is New Mexico's visibility. Maybe Richardson's networking skills and visibility will get New Mexico a date with California. Now that's hot.

A Silver Lining?

A little fun from National Review this morning...
I always vote for people who do the least amount of damage on the populace — which normally would be a Republican. (I call this my “Run from Godzilla” Theory.) But now I’m inclined to believe it’s a Democrat who will do the least harm. Having no apparent belief system or coherent set of ideas, they can’t possibly do anything. And that’s the kind of government I can get behind.

Christmas at Rockefeller

So last night I'm ready for some prime time TV with the only goal in mind to avoid election coverage. It's not that I was nervous or anything, just can't stand the way it's covered as if it were a sporting event.

Thanks to my handy Dish network guide I see that NBC will be showing an actual program at 7, so I navigate there only to be bombarded by a "brief" interruption. At first it was the mostly harmless local stooges but then there were a few minutes for the NBC news team.

You would have thought it was Christmas for Brian Williams and Tim Russert. The glee in the pair's eyes as they projected the Honorable (and I mean that, I've met him and I've followed his votes and speeches and writings) Sen. Santorum's loss in Pennsylvania was just shameful. Donkey cheerleaders, that's all they are.

The rest of the night followed suit, from the local broadcast projecting Richardson with ZERO percent reporting to the obligatory use of the word democrat every sentence.

The question now becomes, since they got what they wanted, what next? Speaker Pelosi chills my veins but the potential for unintentional comedy intrigues me.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

On the Verge...

As I stood in line this morning, eighth in line for precinct 355, I thought back over the past several weeks when my decision to vote was in question.

For whatever reason I seemed to have forgotten why I should vote. Be it my love of campaign ads, my current workload or just plain laziness I didn't even plan to.

But then a certain commercial caught my attention. Perhaps you've seen it. Sponsored by some PAC calling themselves the "September" fund, it is an ad promising the societal riches granted by the democrat fairy. Ugh. democrats, a better plan my butt.

I must admit that I am ashamed a commercial was the primary reason I got myself out to the polls this morning. Only partly really because that commercial got me to remember why I vote, why I believe the things I do and that became the real reason.

Earlier I was fine with believing that if this state was willing to elect Patricia Madrid, they deserved it and the connotation of having the dumbest congressperson which would inevitably come with it. But not anymore.

Happy election day everyone.

Thursday, November 02, 2006