Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Christmas at Rockefeller

So last night I'm ready for some prime time TV with the only goal in mind to avoid election coverage. It's not that I was nervous or anything, just can't stand the way it's covered as if it were a sporting event.

Thanks to my handy Dish network guide I see that NBC will be showing an actual program at 7, so I navigate there only to be bombarded by a "brief" interruption. At first it was the mostly harmless local stooges but then there were a few minutes for the NBC news team.

You would have thought it was Christmas for Brian Williams and Tim Russert. The glee in the pair's eyes as they projected the Honorable (and I mean that, I've met him and I've followed his votes and speeches and writings) Sen. Santorum's loss in Pennsylvania was just shameful. Donkey cheerleaders, that's all they are.

The rest of the night followed suit, from the local broadcast projecting Richardson with ZERO percent reporting to the obligatory use of the word democrat every sentence.

The question now becomes, since they got what they wanted, what next? Speaker Pelosi chills my veins but the potential for unintentional comedy intrigues me.

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