Tuesday, November 07, 2006

On the Verge...

As I stood in line this morning, eighth in line for precinct 355, I thought back over the past several weeks when my decision to vote was in question.

For whatever reason I seemed to have forgotten why I should vote. Be it my love of campaign ads, my current workload or just plain laziness I didn't even plan to.

But then a certain commercial caught my attention. Perhaps you've seen it. Sponsored by some PAC calling themselves the "September" fund, it is an ad promising the societal riches granted by the democrat fairy. Ugh. democrats, a better plan my butt.

I must admit that I am ashamed a commercial was the primary reason I got myself out to the polls this morning. Only partly really because that commercial got me to remember why I vote, why I believe the things I do and that became the real reason.

Earlier I was fine with believing that if this state was willing to elect Patricia Madrid, they deserved it and the connotation of having the dumbest congressperson which would inevitably come with it. But not anymore.

Happy election day everyone.


TimDido said...

I'm ashamed to admit Nicolette and I failed to vote today.

We got screwed by the bureaucracy in Trenton, who failed to process our change of address forms, so we ended up not being registered to vote in our new town. It was 6:30, and we couldn't get to our old polling place in time.

Oh well, just a drop in the bucket anyway, and I was planning on not voting for a while anyway.

vetes said...

Sorry to here that, damn paperwork. I would assume it's tough enough to be conservative in NJ already. I too had to go to my old precinct. A quarter mile from the UNM law school I was a minority in a sea of d. If anything, even though I didn't vote for many winners, it should be funny watching some of these bufoons in the spotlight.