Saturday, November 06, 2004


A discussion I would like to start is whether or not President Bush has a mandate for his second term as a result of the election. I believe so. Just look at the map. Sure, there is some deep blue in high population areas but you know, birds of a feather... Anyway, President Bush didn't just beat John Kerry, he beat the dnc,, Michael Moore, George Soros, Dan Rather, The New York Times, The LA Times, The Washington Post, MSNBC, CNN, Peter Jennings, The Beastie Boys, etc... I could go on like this seemingly forever. Howard Fineman of Newsweek remarked that the MSMs cheerleading for the democrat ticket was worth 15 points. That figure does not shock me one bit.

1 comment:

TimDido said...

Don't let them steal our mandate:

51% of the vote is the highest percentage anyone's gotten since LBJ blew out Goldwater. We should reach across the aisle: to pull them to our side if they're willing or slap them upside the head if they're not. I'm worried because President Bush is so nice and honorable for politics he will make concessions to heal instead of extending the olive branch to the libs as a way to be pulled from the quicksand they find themselves mired in.