Friday, November 05, 2004

Anti-Bush Spew

I thought it might be fun if we recollect some of our favorite invectives witnessed in relation to the election. Some of them might even be clever, if misguided. Most of them are just fun to ridicule due to obvious idiocy.

Given that I'm on campus fairly often, most of the ones I see are of the chalk on the sidewalk form. On the somewhat clever side was a sidewalk chalking between two trees which read, "to save trees, cut Bush." I think the tree one stood out more because after the election I thought of chopping down the trees and writing "Guess you lost." On the dumb side are basically all the rest of the chalkings which almost invariably are some variation of "Bu$h is bad." I even saw one reference to the fourth reich. Seems that the moonbats never get tired of the Bush = Hitler thing.

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