Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Star Wars

I heard mention that some people think the new Star Wars is anti-Bush. I went looking for some moonbat madness and found someone starting to make my point for me, "And Bush and his crew fit the prottypical image of evil perfectly, so yes and no."
If you think Bush is an evil wantabe dictator then sure you can convince yourself that Star Wars is anti Bush (especially if it makes you feel closer to Hollywood stars, oooh, ahhhh, I bask in my sameness of thought...). By the same ticket, Braveheart is anti Bush because of those evil empire building oppressors of the Scottish. The point is that Star Wars probably isn't anti Bush, Christensen et. al. are.


vetes said...

Great point. Underneath it all, Star Wars is a story of good vs. evil and to morons like Hayden Christensen who think of our President as evil and over-sensitive paranoids it's easy to fit any story line to a certain mold. I say let's get more grants into creating a light saber and I'll be at the 3:30 show on Saturday.

sinreal11 said...

I figure he probably just took it home himself! Ha ha! But I told him that some would escape destruction,swtor credits swtor credits