Friday, May 20, 2005

Imperial Judiciary

Vetes' post (see below) reminded me of another argument I had with a liberal (this one was from Maryland). When I brought up my loathing of the current liberal-law-by-judicial-fiat system we've got going (in place since the great *spit* FDR) he said (to this effect), "well, I trust judges more than the rabble. All great advances in human rights have come from judges." To which I would reply "Haven't you heard of the 13th, 14th, 15th, and 19th amendments? Last I checked, amendments were DEMOCRATICALLY enacted changes (read: human rights advances)." I'm surprised by the level of civics and Constitutional ignorance that exists on the left. It's like they don't even read the Constitution; they just "feel" something should be right and then search the Constitution for the right string of words they can twist to get the desired result.

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