Friday, May 06, 2005

Blair Wins

The third leg of the Anglospheric triumvirate that toppled Saddam has been re-elected - thus proving that the Anglosphere is made of tougher stuff. I've grown a new appreciation for the common heritage we share, one that began and flourished in the British Isles.

Powerline has an analysis that I agree with. This election was really a win-win for us, since the Tories are also pro-U.S. I'm actually happy Blair won over the Tories, because I was sick of hearing Michael Howard engaging in some last second "Blair lied" rhetoric. Eventually, I hope the Tories regain power, but not until they have a leader that is worthy of the party's storied heritage (someone Thatcheresque).

I'm also somewhat heartened by the last part of the analysis. It stands to reason that if the Brits were flogging Blair over the Iraq war, then the Liberal Democrats (the only consistently anti-war party) would have won more than a measly two seats. Instead, the Tories were the big gainers.

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