Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Rants of a Sore Loser

Some days, it's just to easy. Sometimes when I read something I have to look it over twice simply to verify that my eyes don't deceive me. For instance, take this quote from senate minority "leader" Harry Reid defending judicial filibusters;
Right now, the only check on President Bush is the Democrats' ability to voice their concern in the Senate, If Republicans roll back our rights in this chamber, there will be no check on their power. The radical, right wing will be free to pursue any agenda they want.
From this statement I get 3 things:

1. All Republicans are radical right wingers
2. Despite our elections, apparently we live in a dictatorship
3. democrat filibusters are brave, the stuff of hero's even

While I'm sure that this type of dribble is popular at Cannes or at a Hillary Clinton fundraiser in reality it's just silly. Perhaps I'm wrong (I'm not) but I thought that the purpose of an election was to create a government representative of the people, for the people and by the people (that election part). And once those elections are over with then those elected enact their agenda because they won, you know like the President and congress. Then, if the people don't like what's happening they elect people with different agendas next time. Now, I know this is hard to follow for the democrats whom maniacally seek scandals to conceal the fact that they are losers but a freaking reality check is in order. There is nothing worse than a self righteous blowhard who claims to be the voice of the people, of reason when describing actions that actually circumvent that voice. My only hope is that the Republicans won't fold and go through with what must be done.

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