Monday, May 16, 2005

Newsweek lied, people died

That's the phrase that's tearing up the right wing blogosphere now. This episode confirms that the liberal elites despise our military - they're willing to print anything that makes the military look bad. I get that attitude from many left-leaners in this place too - they act as if people who join the military have a screw loose.

We'll see if the story is really true. For now, Newsweek has joined CBS and the NYT in the ranks of discredited MSM outlets, only read by those who will believe all the self-serving propaganda that's fit to print. Thank God for the internet.

Update: I removed the part where I said "And it's true." Because, well, it isn't necessarily true - Newsweek probably did not intentionally lie to defame our military, rather, it seems they rushed to print something they couldn't verify because it fit squarely with their prejudice. This means they did the same thing as CBS with the Bush Guard docs. So, not outright malice, but evidence of an underlying prejudice. Hopefully everybody realizes that.

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