Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Evangelical Reporter

A former NY Times reporter tells his former colleagues to quit freaking out. It's a good piece, but I doubt it will be read by any leftists I know (they get their news from The Daily Show). And not that it will generate any responses, being on page A19 of the Post.

You'd be surprised (well, maybe not) at the folks who actually believe that once W gives the signal, his storm troops will pour into the streets, thumping Bibles across the heads of all who are not sanctified. Right now, the Left is motivated by a fear of a nebulously defined group that lives out somewhere in middle America called the "Religious Right". The Left will then periodically set up events in which they can unleash their hatred (remember the 2 minutes hate from 1984?) - if you watch the aforementioned Daily Show, Jon Stewart gets a dig that is the equivalent of this at least once a show. Really, take any left-leaning columnist's article on the "Religious Right", replace "Religious Right" with "Jews", and you have an anti-Semitic piece. Rush mentioned on his show yesterday that now all the conspiracy kooks are on the left now, and I agree.

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