Monday, December 12, 2005


Is there so much buzz over Barack Obama???? My goodness, so WHAT if he's eloquent? Bill Clinton was too and look what happened to this country (if you look past the media prism that is). I swear I am so freakin sick of people that think "youth and eloquence" are the solutions for this country. I'm speaking to people that I know are Republicans yet disenfranchised with Bush and I keep getting the "well, I'll vote Democrat....if that one guy runs....that eloquent gentleman from Illinois...." WHY do people thinks he's a "centrist?" The guy is another flaming left-wing liberal PEOPLE! Just look at the FACTS: he supports a woman's right to choose, supports affirmative action, favors gay rights, is against voluntary prayer in schools, believes government should take over health care, social security, and education; STRONGLY opposes the death penalty (and I'm SURE he thinks Tookie should walk free on the street because he wrote some lousy books saying kids are great while in jail); ban 2nd amendment; opposes tax cuts; worships the UN; wants Kyoto to take over the world for the environment. Granted, he DOES support the military, but did Clinton in 92 and look what the **** happened. Now tell me how all this is CENTRIST? Whether one agrees or not, these are factually LEFT WING points of view. I am still waiting for morons to tell me HOW this guy is a damn Centrist!

On top of all that, he thinks we live in a Darwinistic socialist state of affairs. Great Obama, since you think the government should track how many times we breath during the day, the last thing I need is having your eye on my life.

I'm so sick of the "he's so young and photogenic" philosophy leading to perhaps maybe an euphoric explosion in harmonious politics. F*** JFK, Clinton, and Obama. Why do we need Obama 08 so bad? Oh that's right, we need a black President...

1 comment:

TimDido said...

I agree, we need a black President.


We also need another black Supreme Court Justice.


Somehow, though, I don't think I'm on the same track as the Obama-ites.