Tuesday, December 06, 2005


If I were to say the following...
We parents of boys have meekly allowed gender warriors ... to treat our sons like unindicted coconspirators in history's gender crimes, while parents of girls permit their daughters to be patronized as helpless victims of a phantom, crippling sex bias in America's schools.
No doubt I would be treated as some type of savage. Without contemplating the words written I would be treated automatically as a monster, as a backward Neanderthal, oblivious to the plight of brave feminists simply because I am male. Thankfully, those words were written by a woman, Kate O'Beirne in NRO.

Reading the article it brings to mind something which troubles me. These days it seems as if there are certain people who can be criticised without question. Treated like garbage and made to feel ashamed of their existence without any reason. If it sounds personal to me, it is because it is. I have been made to feel ashamed of being male in the name of feminism and it was not fair and it's not fair that others have to deal with the same thing.

Feminism is a good thing and women are equal and should be proud of who they are. It is another thing though to hate men and treat them as inconsequential in the name of feminism, that is not true and the true description is not a feminist but sexism and intolerance, the antithesis of what those who act this way preach against. It is sickening and it is nice to read someone who agrees that our society is headed backwards in many regards, led in that direction by false prophets of progress.

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