Thursday, December 29, 2005

Media's Worst of 2005

Stephen Spruiell reports. To me, the worst Media Moment of 2005 was the horrendous coverage of Hurricane Katrina. Even conservatives prone to emotionalism (like Michelle Malkin can sometimes be) laid it on thick on FEMA's response to this particular hurricane, and yet the countless hurricanes before and even Rita and Wilma afterward brought nary a peep. To paraphrase Sowell - agencies like FEMA only serve to use our taxpayer funds to subsidize people's decisions to live in hurricane prone areas. Plus, it's a government agency, so why should we, as conservatives, be indignant when it fails? Better to just be rid of it and let the insurance companies do what they are supposed to.

After seeing the ridiculous Katrina coverage, I can't stand Shep "Little Demon" Smith and Geraldo anymore. I REALLY can't stand Anderson "Premature Ejaculation" Cooper. They reported a bunch of sensationalist rumors that caused resources to be diverted that were needed elsewhere. The MSM is populated by a bunch of self-important jackasses who will take any opportunity to engage in moral preening, and I'm happy to say adios and get my news from the new media.

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