Friday, December 16, 2005

The TRUTH(.com) About Civil Liberties

You know, it's interesting what targets are picked by folks who claim they fight to protect civil liberties. They want to ban smoking, guns, and arguably any public religious reference across the country, but are hell up in arms when they find out the NSA's been eavesdropping on International conversations of suspicious terrorist activity without warrants. Am I alone in saying that the liberal mindset really wants to create Utopia without acknowledging we have a "human nature" problem?

UPDATE: Hah! The guy who leaked this news (which the NYT delayed publishing for a year - supposedly requested by the White House) forgot to tell everyone he's just releasing a book. Via who else, Drudge.

1 comment:

TimDido said...

"They want to ban smoking..."

That reminds me of a South Park rerun from last night. The parents and school administration send the kids through the "Museum of Tolerance" and when they get outside, they see a smoker who they force to leave and hurl epithets at.

Man, I love South Park. Sometimes it's a little over the top (this episode had a gerbil and a gay dude, you do the math) but it's just sooooo funny.