Friday, September 23, 2005

predictions (i.e. just having fun)

Well, this is my first post. I think I have a question that's brewing...I know Bush is still President, but who would you like to see on the Republican ticket for 2008? Here are a few choices that popped into my head. Some won't run of course, but there's always the wish:

Dick Cheney (even at his age, he's still more competent than most Democrats out there)
Howard Phillips, Chuck Baldwin, or Michael Peroutka (although they're not Republican, these are great conservatives I'd support if there aren't any good Republicans there - but this is a last minute resort and realistically speaking I won't vote for them. Constitutionalists have a real low chance of winning since the most popular "alternatives" out there are Greenies and Libertarians)
Alan Keyes or Pat Buchanan (I know both Keyes and Buchanan are extremists in several points of view.....)
Dan Quayle (the press really beats on this guy.....but he's right 95% of the time!)Bill Frist
Kay Bailey Hutchison
Mitch McConnell
Pete Domenici :-)
George Allen
Donald Rumsfeld :-)
Condi Rice
Karl Rove (well gee, why not the brain of Bush just run eh? :-)
Rudy Giuliani, George Pataki, John McCain, Colin Powell, or Mitt Romney (these are a stretch personally for me because they really to me fit in the mold of the Schwarzenegger Republican *liberal in social issues and lots others actually - you know, the ones that always coddle to Kennedy, Feingold, etc* - but they ARE pretty popular - would choose them over most Democrats)
Jeb Bush

Of course, I really wouldn't mind having Howard Dean and Al Gore in there.....just so that gives the Republicans a better chance to win

We have a LONG time to predict the future, but these honestly are the likely/realistic scenarios I see happening in 2008 if there are no "surprises" that happen between now to then:

John McCain def Hillary Clinton
Rudy Giuliani def Hillary Clinton
Jeb Bush def Hillary Clinton (remember, Bill Clinton said he wasn't gonna run in late 1991)
John McCain def John Kerry
John McCain def DA RETURN OF AL GORE!!! (I can seriously see Gore trying to pull a Nixon)
Condi Rice def Hillary Clinton (what a concept: the first black AND woman to win........on the REPUBLICAN ticket!)
Rudy Giuliani def John Kerry
John McCain def John Edwards

too many John's :-)

1 comment:

TimDido said...

Me personally, I like Condi in '08, and I think she is the most unbeatable. She'd need someone who's solidly conservative as a running mate though, like Sen. Santorum.

Bush's orgy of self-flagellation and eschewment of core principles in the wake of Katrina, however, has me siding with the Libertarians in calling Republicans "Democrat-lite". This glut of federal spending that they call "compassion" sounds like the BS that LBJ shoveled back in the day. If the Democrats nominated someone who was solid on the war on terror, I'd seriously consider voting for the nominee. I'm thinking someone like your gov - Richardson. I'm not sure what his record is on spending but for sure he's a tax cutter, so I'd consider him if I felt I could trust him when it came to the GWOT.