Monday, September 26, 2005

it just doesn't end.......

Frankly, I have to side with this reasoning more than the Racist Rove Weather Machine. Sorry Tim....


TimDido said...

I heard about this guy (on the Free Beer and Hot Wings morning show, of all places) and his theories and thought, well, obviously, Karl Rove and the Yakuza must be in cahoots. Karl is trying to revive the old Berlin-Tokyo alliance! (Get it? Karl with a "K" is the Nazi German!) They just need someone to form the Italian portion, which is probably Tony Soprano.

LtCarp said...

I actually heard this Steve guy as well on my drive home today on the Glen Beck show coincidentally. This guy is truly convinced of this - he sounds extremely calm and low-keyed as well.

He said Ophelia, Katrina, and Rita SPECIFICALLY were man-made.

Then we had an actual meteoroligist (yes, this Steve guy was only a "weatherman" and was actually fired from New York years ago for falsifying his resume - he HIMSELF admitted to it) just go on and say he's full of ****