Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Ah yes....

The Canadians, that's who I think of to tell me about political ramifications. From the canadian press:
Indictment of Republican Tom DeLay a serious blow for Bush agenda
Obviously this subject is a sore one for me, but I can't help myself. The gleeful tone of this article and it's source only make me roll my eyes, and ever confident that this garbage (the wishes of all those who wish for our President's political demise) will never come to realization.

1 comment:

LtCarp said...

This goes back to my constant thoughts of how I TRULY feel about non-Americans.

Like the Zimbabweans saying how crooked our 2000 election was. Riiiight, you peasants are about as credible as Michael Moore losing weight - you don't even have a judicial system and you have a President that believes wiping out farms and 99% of your food will help the economy.

Every time I hear a foreigner criticize this country - just makes me laugh. Like what room do French have to say how we don't know how to create jobs - where your unemployment rate is over 20%.

Like what room do Russians have to say we are downright polluted when you can get sick just smelling the Volga River.

World: you have enough problems as it is. Fix it before you even look at the US on a map.