Monday, January 16, 2006

Will the Lefties Mock this Religious Nut?

Mayor Nagin says "God is mad at America". Sounds a bit like Pat Robertson to me.
Update: Holy crap, I did not realize just how loopy and ridiculous this speech was until I heard it in its entirety on Glenn Beck this morning. Here's video. He actually says that God is smiting us for being in Iraq, and he smote the black folks of New Orleans for having so many one-parent families. He also says something that I think would be called racist were a person of any other color to say it: that God wants New Orleans to be a majority black city. How can a mayor of a major American completely lose control of rationality like this?


Muztan said...

How am I not surprised? N.O. will succumb to exactly its previous condition (since we're basically subsidizing everyone to return) and we'll have learned nothing about elevation and fluid mechanics.

Oh, I wonder if Mayer Nagin knows that chocolate isn't chocolate colored until the cacao beans are fermented? (please don't take me out of context if you're a PC nut reading this)

LtCarp said...

again, like I said about Hillary earlier. The country wants to hang Trent Lott for what he said years ago, yet somehow ignore Hillary and this Nagen guy. Oh but that's right, Nagen/Blanco are innocent *shrugs*

Oh well, New Orleans will just return to the cesspool it originally was *shrugs* like I care.