Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Can't Let This Go...

I know it's not very interesting to tunnel into the midst of election or lobbying scandals, but since the MSM is hell bent on inculcating America with the idea that the "corruption" applies to Red and only Red, I find it necessary to keep the pressure on both sides, with an emphasis on the Blue, to help balance the coverage.

While I believe both sides deserve what they get, and am glad to see Delay and others voluntarily step down from their respective positions, the need is there to expose what's well known among insider circles about the elitist left, starting with Mr. Soros.

The AIM does a great job staying on the Soros point. What this guy has done in terms of pure capitalism is pretty amazing, but of course ridden with, well, really a steady hand of greed - enough to influence entire economic systems. As a result, millions of folks in England and other developing countries have suffered economically, while he has become one of the elite mega-rich, only to then become a "global socialist" and decry the actions of capitalists everywhere.
This article from frontpage mag is a decent historical outline.

In summary, here's a link to the complaint filed by the NLPC to the FEC regarding the unrecorded financial contributions to the Kerry campaign.


TimDido said...

Yeah, the Dems should know a little about corruption. Check out Novak's column about the released Barrett report.

Overall, special interests on both sides wield a lot of power. I like Sowell's solution: pay representatives and senators a lot of money - over a million. That way we attract the best and brightest.

Muztan said...

I'd like to read more into Sowell.
I don't suppose you're still interested in the TPTC library idea? I'd send you a book in exchange for a while...

The Barrett report will be today's excursion.

TimDido said...

I think the book exchange idea is a good one. I'm still down, especially now that I'm poor, I can't exactly just buy any book I want. Well, the University library has pretty much every book anyway but sometimes it is lacking.

BTW, Sowell wrote that in a column, not really in a book.
He's definitely the brightest and most lucid intellectual in America, IMO - nobody has a better grasp of connecting the dots from raw human nature up to global policy debates. Read his books if you want to really know what conservatism is.