Sunday, January 08, 2006


want JoePa's head. Just leave the old man alone!


LtCarp said...

I don't blame the guy for what he said. 50%+ of women that get raped entice the guys anyways. What DO you expect when you go to a club barely wearing anything and making moves to a guy? What? For him to be a gentleman and ask how much drinks you had and then take you to a taxi and make sure you get home? I'm almost willing to bet this lady nagged Nicholson. Do I support rape? No. But you ain't getting sympathy from me if you do get raped - especially if the above circumstances occured.

You don't tease an alligator, you don't stick your hand inside a blender, you don't run through a DC interstate at 5PM, there are some things in life that you just don't do or you will reap the consequences - do I support what happened to you? No, but you shouldn't have done that - moron.

Same goes for rape for cases in that women plant the seed.

TimDido said...

Well, I can certainly understand their gripe - rape is, of course, absolutely abhorrent and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

But you're right. This guy had probably been in this situation before and thought this was just one of the many (sexual liasions, not rapes). Not excusing his behavior, but certainly she should bear some responsibility for her situation.

LtCarp said...

women are free to do what they want. Just understand that if you use emotions over logic, chances are: you're going to lose