Thursday, July 07, 2005

No Question

How long is it going to take for the common occurence of terrorist groups claiming credit for unspeakable acts for people to realize that there is an enemy in this and that if it is not taken seriously only peril can result?

Earlier in the morning I had heard the terrible news of London being attacked by terrorists and later in the morning nothing was worse than reading
A group calling itself "The Secret Organization of Al Qaeda in Europe" has posted a claim of responsibility for the series of blasts in London
Insisting on being offended by the proper identification of those who carry out these evil, despicable acts is uncalled for. The murder of innocents and fear created by these acts is not a call for restraint, a call for indictments. Elimination of those who pursue harm in this way can be the only answer. PERIOD.

1 comment:

Engicon said...

Luckily the terrorists are helping us with that elimination thing. I suggest that England (and Spain) originally helped us as much due to international politics as rational self preservation. Now they've got a much more immediate reason to help destroy militant islamic fundamentalist terrorists.