Thursday, July 14, 2005

More Joe Wilson

Here's the best review I've found of the Joe Wilson/Valerie Plame kerfuffle so far, at the Volokh Conspiracy. This WSJ editorial is also an excellent read. I got into an argument yesterday (I get into a lot of those around here) about Karl Rove and what should happen to him. I was flabbergasted, yet again, by the lack of information that people have on this affair - especially the fact that Joe Wilson has been discredited as a liar on multiple occasions. What can you do, but point people to the truth.....

Seriously, it seems that Karl Rove has some 'splaining to do to the President. If Rove was indeed the "leak" then Bush has a problem on his hands, but if this was fairly common, though unreported, knowledge, then this is nothing but the media destroying itself on another fabricated "scandal". It's clear no crime was committed though. My big question is: why is Judith Miller in jail? The Times is supporting her, and the cat's outa the bag that Rove is at least one source, so is she hiding the original source? Who is it? Is she really making a principled stand for journalism, or is she hidng something? Hopefully we find out.


vetes said...

As far as I can tell, Karl Rove's role was that he warned Cooper not to take Wilson at his word because he was not recommended by Vice President Cheney but by his wife, who worked at the CIA (no one has yet even detailed what Plame's actual position was and if it was even covert). It seems as though Wilson's wife's identity (although not her job) was rather common in press circles, as Joe Wilson ID'd her in his own bio. This warning by Rove seems to be more than reasonable. There has been some speculation that Miller's tight lips are protecting Wilson himself. Why would she, and by extension the NYT, protect one they revile such as Rove? This whole thing is a whole lot of nothing. Rove should be promoted if anything and those who seek his resignation or dismissal are shameless partisan hacks, looking for a pat on the back.

TimDido said...

Yeah, I completely agree on Rove - from the evidence I have, it seems like his warning was necessary and not compromising anybody's cover. It still doesn't look too good for the President, however, because he made a promise that he should have known (provided he and Rove speak regularly) the media would spin against him. However, I'm not so sure about Miller - when I was arguing about this issue with the libs, they were not enamored of her. She apparently has been criticized by those on the left (granted, the far left, like the Nation) as being too willing to print the White House line during the runup to Iraq. I didn't have an answer, so I need to check up on Miller. However, what I do know is Rove gave a waiver, so if that's the case, why is Miller protecting him if the cat's outa the bag? I suspect it was another reporter that she's protecting, or like you said, Wilson himself. He seems like the kinda guy who is so enamored of himself he just dumps information onto reporters.