Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Gun Grabbing Gonzales

An interesting opinion piece against Alberto Gonzales for Attorney General. Read it if you like, basically Farah says that Gonzales should not be AG because he would support re-enactment of the "assault rifle" ban.
The article contains a good point that I don't remember having heard before," So often, the gun grabbers portray themselves as crime fighters. Nothing could be further from the truth. Even in a representative republic, when civil order breaks down, as it inevitably does, law-abiding citizens are not safe without adequate firepower. The image of Korean store owners perched on top of their businesses during the L.A. riots is indelible proof of that simple fact."
Not only do gun rights protect the citizenry from government run amok, but they also protect the citizenry when the government can't do it's job.
As to the larger Gonzales issue, I don't know enough about him to have an opinion myself.

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