Wednesday, January 05, 2005

My feelings

exactly. Except I don't even care if I don't get my !@#$% money back - I'll be happy just to quit paying my !@#$% money into this piece of !@#$% Ponzi scheme.


vetes said...

Great article. In all the hubbub of "reforming" social security, poloticians are too cowardly to even think about the best option, to rid our country of that ridiculous program. My 401k and investments already dwarf what it will ever pay me. Think about the phrase "social security" for a moment. Really think about it. I think that anyone who doesn't have chills running down their spine after really thinking about that term should be flogged.

Engicon said...

I for one salute our double-plus-good government for taking the money which I am happily too dumb to save for myself.