Wednesday, November 02, 2005

You've got to be kidding me

Fake "live presidential debate". Thank God for TV, without which the liberals wouldn't be able to indulge their fantasies. Hopefully, they *do* realize that they are just fantasies.


LtCarp said...

the sad aspect is a lot of America will readily believe this to be true. I know firsthand of people I spoke to in recent years. Sad.....

Engicon said...

Did anyone actually watch it? I'm sort of curious how it went.

Hollywood casting director: "I want you to show me what a great actor you can be. Give me a convincing _conservative_ argument. I want you to convince me that you actually are a conservative.
Actor: "Wow, you sure are tough. I guess this is what it takes to play in the big leagues though. How about this; my fellow conservatives, let us lower taxes on the rich so that the poor get poorer because the economy needs someone to scrub the toilets so that all Americans may benefit."
Director: Excellent! You get the part.