Tuesday, November 08, 2005

What this headline means

Today's election could reflect GOP's struggles.

Focusing on the two governor's races, let me spin this ahead of time for the media:

-If GOP loses both governor's races, then this reflects the public's rabid hatred of George Bush and he should be impeached.

-If the GOP wins both governor's races, then the voters of the respective states were discontent with the troubled Democrat party, or something to that effect.

-If the GOP wins NJ but not VA, then this reflects trouble ahead for George Bush because VA is a red state, so George Bush should be impeached - Jerseyans were just discontent with the corrupt Dem establishment.

-If the GOP wins VA but not NJ, then Bush should be impeached because Jersey voters picked a corrupt establishment over the GOP. VA is an aberration due to stupid conservative Christians who believe the world is 6000 years old, and show just how loyal the base is to a party with a President who should be impeached.

Update: I fixed my bad spinning. Evidently, only getting 3 hours of sleep because of generals is bad for all coherent thought. No wonder so many PhDs are so stupid.

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