Saturday, November 05, 2005

Garden State Guv

The race is turning ugly. There's a debate on now, but for some reason college football is more interesting to me...

Seriously, I think I'm going to be a good boy by holding my nose and voting for Forrester. He's pretty worthless, but Corzine is even more worthless. The WifeDido is probably going to vote for the Libertarian in protest, and I've been tempted myself. I don't like the LP stance on certain issues I deem important, like GWOT (although at the state level this guy will have little to do with that) but overall they're a pretty good alternative.


Fausta said...

Never mind the governor.
I'm endorsing three friends of ours at the Township and County level!

TimDido said...

My wife and I live in Plainsboro, and unfortunately I'm not really plugged into what's going on in this town at the local level. Really, the only statewide issue that has concerned me enough to take any sort of interest was getting rid of compulsory full-serve at gas stations - the cold and rude reception to my suggestions kinda turned me off. I better do a little research before Tuesday.

I gotta say though, my wife and I were a bit perturbed by the frequency and the proximity of crime to the campus. Her boss has been mugged outside her home (about 3 blocks from campus) and we read safety alerts of a robbery or assault on campus every 2-3 months or so. And that's just on campus. Police force reduction is probably not a good idea.