Friday, November 04, 2005

Insurgency enters its eighth day

How long do you think until they surrender?

Update: Now a stern warning. I bet thoses insurgents are quaking in their boots!

This is not good to hear if you're French: "It's Baghdad here". So much for being anti-war.


Muztan said...

Did you get my email on the Rot?

In my opinion... who cares... : )

TimDido said...

Yeah, man, he's got the best Fiskings. He's like the Mike Savage of bloggers.

"That’s kind of like saying “There were fewer direct clashes.” after the Wehrmacht had completed their end run around the Maginot Line and were driving through the suburbs of gay Paris."


On a more serious note...I hope things cool down before January, because my advisor is doing his sabbatical from Jan.-June in Paris.