Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Heinrich, They Took R Jobz!

Martin Heinrich, defender of the People’s Republic of New Mexico from Jon Barela, has graced us proletariat with video evidence that he must be elected to the US House of Representatives to save us poor minions from the evil lobbyist Barela.

In this selfless ad the form picture from the Barela for congress website has its color removed so that we the people can recognize Barels as evil and because that is the only picture available, since Barela happens to be some kind of Dark Lord evading the watchful eye of our hero Heinrich while working for Chinese overlords.

Barela has sent jobs, American jobs! to CHINA! They took our jobs! Jon Barela, brave Heinrich tells us, has spent years and bountiful energy analyzing our work in New Mexico and as a secret Chinese agent has LOBBIED our government, holding hands with BUSHCHENEY to send those jobs to CHINA!

And if you believe that claptrap you deserve a sophomoric hack like Martin Heinrich representing your interests in Washington. Barela has never been in any elected office. Even as a lobbyist, Barela couldn’t vote to raise taxes or send jobs anywhere. The tired xenophobic line about sending jobs to anywhere assumes that the number of jobs in any economy are both fixed and never changed. If that were true we would still be hunter gatherers. It is as simple as that.

Consider the fact that Heinrich is running as a political neophyte, even though he is the incumbent. What have you done for New Mexico, Martin? You voted for Obamacare. You voted for Cap and Trade. You voted for Bailouts. You voted for the Stimulus. All of these actions will only lead to increased taxes and burdensome regulations for New Mexicans. All that Martin Heinrich has proven in Washington is an uncanny ability to vote along the democrat line. Ironic when considering his pathetic attacks on Jon Barela because after he loses, Heinrich will likely end up a democrat lobbyist, after all, that’s what a voting record like his portends.

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