Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Obama as Delaware Kingmaker...

On his talk show today Rush Limbaugh touted a visit by President Obama to Delaware in order to negatively portray Senate Candidate Christine O’Donnell as proof that O’Donnell is not as far behind as polls may suggest. He’s wrong. It may be true that O’Donnell is not as far behind, polls in small population areas like Delaware often have large margins of error due to small sample sizes.

The obvious reason why the President is traveling to Delaware under the guise of aiding democrat candidate Chris Coons is because of polls illustrating a double digit lead for that candidate. There is no need for presidential help for a candidate up a ton of points in polls the month before the election. This move is aimed at helping the President’s image.

President Obama is often tied to endorsements made in the Massachusetts senate race won by Republican Scott Brown and in the New Jersey Gubernatorial race won by Republican Chris Christie, making his endorsement undesirable. The President’s advisors no doubt understand this perception and in viewing the Delaware race, high poll numbers and a somewhat embarrassing Republican candidate they see it as a sure win and have positioned their man to be associated with it which will then lead to a perception of Obama as kingmaker in their self inflated worldview.

Democrats at the national level believe polls more so than actual election returns and double digit leads are a sweet sweet drug to them. Don’t believe it? Recall in 2004 after President Bush finished off John Kerry in the election? Democrats were inflamed and demanding recounts because of an exit poll in Ohio. Polls are reality to many people and while they can be accurate, that’s more luck than anything, they are not truth.

It would be sweet sweet nectar to myself and Republicans if Obama’s cynical ploy ends up back firing and leading to more support for O’Donnell. His track record as an endorser speaks for itself.

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