Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Random Thoughts

I was searching for something beginning with NM this morning and what caught my eye is that the description of the state of New Mexico website was in regard to the so-called stimulus. I clicked because I was curious and noticed lo and behold the first item on the State’s website is in regard to the so-called simulative recovery act. Is that the best New Mexico has to offer, really?

Also on the page is Governor Richardson’s governing philosophy:
Commitment, hard work, efficiency, accountability: these are the elements in my approach to governing, and my strategy for success.
Hmmmmmmm…. Richardson took a year off to try to be president, took more time off to be commerce secretary, spent more than any other governor, hired more make work employees than any other governor, got busted exchanging state contracts for presidential campaign contributions ending the commerce secretary bid and travels with a two dozen strong security force packing serious heat…

And another thing on this Susana Martinez “Tejana” thing. As a result of this story I learned that Diane Denish is from Hobbs, a traditionally conservative part of our state. I wonder if she will win the city of Hobbs, as the home town girl. She is the real New Mexican, right. Way to go nativist Denish.

I couldn’t let Heinrich go without a mention either. I wonder, if in his slurring of Jon Barela the people of New Mexico understand how damaging Heinrich’s votes really are. Heinrich blasts Barela for shipping jobs to China with irrelevant paperwork but what does voting for cap and trade which means that energy producers in this country must move (out of this country) if they are to survive, the same result occurs from his support of the idiotic deep water drilling ban and does Heinrich know where lithium (a prime battery material) is primarily mined? China. So, it is conceivable that Heinrich’s support of battery powered cars will send jobs to China instead of the gas tank manufacturers in America. There’s more logic and reality in the previous sentence than in Heinrich’s bogus charges.

The worst Democrat attack point is the constant harping on Social Security. Purchasing government bonds and then spending the contributions is not a trust fund strategy. Those bonds have to be paid for down the line with, you guessed it, tax dollars. The government lies to all of us every year they send out that statement referencing a trust fund. Current estimates show that the program will be completely insolvent around 2038 and every time the estimate is revised it happens sooner. It is shameful for democrats to use our senior citizens in campaign commercials to scare other senior citizens. It is pathetic that the democrats only have on their behalf a government sponsored ponzi scheme that is just about bankrupt.

In an unfortunate turn of events, Michelle Rhee, the reformist school chancellor in Washington DC is expected to resign. Rhee was not afraid to take on the unions and got rid of underperforming (that’s the kind way to describe them) teachers, strengthened charter schools and instituted standards that led to smarter students. Her methods were considered to be draconian and in a move that proves no one really cares about school improvement will be let go.

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