Thursday, October 23, 2008

Straight Ticket

As has been the case with just about every presidential/congressional election cycle in my 29 year-old memory and not unexpected when there's a candidate raising $600 Million, most non-programmed television lately seems to be some ridiculous political ad. Leaves one thankful for a DVR and waiting for November 5th.

New Mexico, for whatever reason, is once again a "battleground" state and there are some wealthy organizations out there that want everyone to know that candidate republican likes to kick small children, rob gas stations, spit on the elderly and plays solitaire while on the clock. Yes, I'm talkin about the so called "Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee", also known as the reason why I yell at the television every ten minutes.

Their stupid, infelicitous and annoying nonstop commercials (scroll down to NM ads, if you haven't seen both, and live in NM, you must be living in the desert without any human contact and aren't reading this anyway) have led me to a place. And that place is Straight Ticket Republican land.

One ad begins "The failed Bush economy, how did it come to this?". How stupid. What failed economy? Yes, there is a financial panic right now. And there was one roughly two decades ago. And another roughly two decades before that. And so on, cyclical is what I think it can be described as. Do these imbeciles even understand what the term "failed" means? If this country's economy "failed" all three hundred million plus of us would have to disband and join other countries. There would be no country. Today I bought a three dollar pretzel and scoffed at a five dollar frozen latte thing. The twenty mall stores I walked past to get the pretzel were all open, employees chatting on cell phones and yes, playing solitaire. Traffic was ghastly and I was cut off by a trucker and rode past a hundred more on my 7 mile commute this morning. That, DCCC, is not a failed economy.

Anyway, why will I go the extreme of voting only Republican? There is no rational reason, just a burning coming from inside, every time I see the DCCC ads, which thanks to some deep pockets is every few minutes, on every channel. Am I being somewhat naive, silly even? Sure, whatever. Are there some deserving local donkey's out there that might share my ideals? Doubtful but possible, I'll never know. And I don't care anymore. I would rather watch a whole season of Grey's Anatomy in a single sitting than watch another DCCC ad.

I was going to vote for Darren White anyway, Martin Heinrich, not a chance, never. But the ads still bother me that much. And the ads against Ed Tinsley, who is outside of my district, those ads are doubly annoying.

1 comment:

Erick said...

It was a first for me, but I voted straight ticket.