Thursday, October 16, 2008

President Obama

Unless if we see a miracle (no substitute in words, I say a miracle), it just does not look good at all for McCain. Even FOXNews is singing his demise now. I know McCain probably has the best shot at beating Obama as I said months ago, but he certainly wasn't my choice. The only other candidate in the primaries that would've been a worse choice is Giuliani. But these two really had the name and the best chance of winning.

If we see a President Obama come January, BANK on these things to happen at some point in the next 4 years, I promise you (Pelosi and Reid will still be in power). Maybe this is supposed to happen. Maybe people will snap in 2010 and 2012 and realize what kind of damage liberals can do to this country. I smell a "Carter" term here...history sure does repeat itself. Hell this election even looks like 1976 (Carter comes along as the "outsider" that hasn't been around for a while, Ford is the quiet demeanor, like McCain, etc.):

---He will meet with leaders of all nations without preconditions and will even sign a non-agression pact with Iran

---He will pull out of Iraq eventually and we will see basically a giant Iran (Who's in power in Iran? Shiites. Who's in power in Iraq now? Shiites. Another edict of Bush I disagreed with. I understand spread of democracy, but the Middle East is different. Allowing elections only empowers terrorist organizations and we've seen it legitimatized under Bush)

---He will create the funds as he promised (guess where the funds will come from?) to help people and innocent homeowners refinance their mortgages. Hell at this rate next year I'm just gonna screw up badly, buy a $500K house because Obama will come to my rescue

---All the tax cuts you experienced for the last 8 years will be expired, gone. Something he doesn't say at all for the last several months.

---He will realize raising taxes on all the Donald Trumps of the country is still not enough to fund his social legislation. So he'll trickle down in the brackets on raising people's taxes and cutting defense and intelligence budgets even more (sounds familiar? 1990s?)

---He will implement universal health care, pretty much negating all small businesses everywhere with tax hikes to pay for it. This will be available to all illegals in the nation as well

---Speaking of illegals, he will provide amnesty as well

---He will enact legislation for carbon-friendly cars...the end for the US auto industry

---He will advance the federal hate crimes legislation, affirmative action by reincarnating the "women and minority-owned businesses" money, and make the Employment Non-Discrimination Act a law which means homosexuals will slowly start being official

---He will spend billions and billions of $ in foreign aid to try to eliminate global poverty

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