Friday, March 03, 2006

This is what I like to hear

sounding more like a free trader every day. I think it's really good he's making nice with India. I think they've got more potential than the Chi-Coms, because they are at least more of a democracy and they've got the legacy of British common law.


Muztan said...

Not sure how I feel about the relationship yet, probably due mostly to my unfamiliarity with the new Indian economy. We obviously have to accept their presence globally now, but how is still under scrutiny.

I think their are a good number of folks in this country who still think the government owes them a fair living and are not going to like "free" trade agreements with any nation that can outproduce us. That said, these are collectively the same people who refuse to give the hard fought effort to move us to the top again (in terms of labor force). Long term, they can become a ball-and-chain to the remaining productive percentage of the population. We have to educate them and reintroduce the moral fiber that gives a purposeful meaning to their existence. I'm not sure how to do that in this day and age...

TimDido said...

Yeah, there was a little sob story today by the AP on a autoworker who was describing how he had to change jobs every few months since the American automakers have fallen on hard times.

The facetious answer is to just let free trade force them to adjust. That's my opinion. If you can't adjust to the pressures of a changing world, then tough. White collar workers have been doing it for a long time, and it's about time these lazy union workers feel the bite and be forced to introduce themselves to a newer American economy, where manual labor isn't as prevalent.

TimDido said...

Well, I guess I have bad skills with HTML. Here's the link.