Tuesday, March 28, 2006

If They're Going to Wave Flags, Couldn't The Flags at Least be American?

"If Mexican journalists were flooding into the United States and taking jobs as reporters and editors at half the pay being earned by American reporters and editors, maybe people in the media would understand why the argument about "taking jobs that Americans don't want" is such nonsense."

Sowell's take on immigration politics.


"There are over 300 million resident Americans, and the vast majority of them are citizens. Had the demonstrators marched chanting "God Bless America," confined their flag waving to Old Glory, and expressed thanks to a magnanimous United States that gave them a second chance when a corrupt Mexico has precluded their first, then they would have won public support."

Apparently I'm not the only one who feels this way...

1 comment:

TimDido said...

Yeah, this is not the way to engender sympathy for your cause if you are here illegally.

Personally, I'm saddened by this. I've got a soft spot for the Mexicans, but if you want the people of a country that you are in illegally to accept you - you should be grateful for the opportunity you have been given and not chant about "stolen land".