Monday, October 31, 2005


Bush nominates Alito. My personal favorite would have been Janice Rogers Brown, but Alito is a good solid pick at first glance. Via Hewitt, here's some of his opinions.

Thank you, Mr. President. Now, if you could just whip out that veto pen for some of Congress' little pork projects...I guess it's just wishful thinking to expect that from a 'compassionate' conservative.

Update: Michelle Malkin, as usual, has the best roundup of reactions.

Here's a really good profile in (yep) the NY Times. Alito is all Jersey style, from Hamilton, which is close to our place of residence. More here.

Alito: "Judges should be judges. They shouldn't be legislators, they shouldn't be adminstrators." I'm doing a jig now.

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