Saturday, October 29, 2005

The Libby Indictment

Some perspective from Wizbang. I like how he says Libby is being indicted for lying about how he told the truth about a liar.

I tell you what, if I ever have to testify before a grand jury, I'm not saying a word. If you don't say anything, you can't be accused of lying.


LtCarp said...

Once again, biased reporting is everywhere as every media outlet out there is treating Libby like the criminal of the century, but frankly, from what I've been paying attention to, just like what the guy said in that Libby is basically being indicted for lying about how he told the truth about a liar. Basically NONE of the things Libby is being indicted for occured BEFORE the investigation's start. I.E. no crime has been committed before the investigation began.

So basically Libby is guilty of being a dumbass! First DeLay, now this. This is a modern friggin day witchhunt! And the media treats all this like crimes of the century.

Sandy Berger tries to stuff classified documents down his pants and he gets away with it. I won't even start with the 90s and Clinton. It's like the entire media just ignored ALL of it! Clinton lied but I guess since every American male cheats on their wives, this shouldn't be a crime that's reported *shrugs*

Lesson learned was already explained. When you're in court, don't talk. That way you really can't get convicted for anything.

TimDido said...

Yeah, Tom Maguire's been pointing out how Libby may have screwed up, and it looks believable. At first, I thought "how could Libby have been so stupid?", but after reading what Tom Maguire had to say and watching some dude from Time magazine on Hardboiled, it seems like Libby might have just come to the same conclusion we all did - that there was no crime committed and it was all much ado about nothing - and then just got sloppy.

But perjury is a serious memory's kinda shady, but didn't a high government official suborn and actively commit perjury in recent years? I can't remember...