Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Worse than Watergate

With the media waxing nostalgic on their bringing down a popular president (because of the recent revelation of Deep Throat's identity) NRO posts a column noting LBJ's far greater abuses of power that somehow the media failed to report on.

I've never been a huge fan of Nixon, who based on my knowledge ran a pretty liberal administration, but I think he's gotten a bad rap in history based on Watergate. Ben Stein's column defending Nixon I think goes a bit over the top - he makes valid points, but saying Nixon lied for peace is a bit of a stretch. I think Nixon lied to preserve his hide more than anything, which is exactly the same crime a certain recent president (who his hypocritical cronies in Congress helped to preserve) committed.

One more quick historical fact - remember the real reason that Nixon was brought down in Watergate. He was an unapologetic anticommunist, defeating House and Senate candidates from the Democratic party by exposing their Commie sympathies. His ultimate crime, however, was his dogged pursuit of the case against Alger Hiss, everyone's favorite Commie spy. Read Whittaker Chamber's Witness for a gripping narrative of this account. Nixon, Chambers, and all who participated in this case were ultimately vindicated by the Venona cables which unbelievably some idiotic leftists still refuse to believe provides sufficient proof.

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