Monday, June 27, 2005

Cryosleep, Sweet!

Slashdot links to an austrailian story about US scientists...
who in the name of awesomness froze a dog and brought it back to life with "no brain damage."
Seriously though, if this technique is perfected (it's been in the works for a while now) it would be a powerful tool in trauma medicine. ...Just got shot though the heart eh? Well if you can hold on for a couple minutes we'll get access to a major artery and freeze you, then no more damage will occur. When we get to the hospital, we'll surically repair the holes and thaw you out. Should be good as new in a few weeks.
Also, cryosleep would make manned travel to other star systems feasible. The only other technical barrier I can think of is that we don't yet AFAIK have the ability to identify a planet which could support human life. Once we found the planet and could get there alive, pioneers from 300 years ago might even be better than us at colonizing it, technology or no technology.

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