Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Enemies abound

"[The Grey Lady] revealed the use of aircraft charter companies by the CIA and other intelligence agencies, together with specific aircraft markings, bases, routes, and other information helpful to identification of such flights."
"If the authors were just publishing their article to get a chance at a Pulitzer, I really have no moral quarrel with them at all, any more than I would have with a crocodile that eats a child or a raccoon that raids my larder. However, if they do have a moral identity as human beings, they should know that, if a certain civilian plane comes down over an unnamed Middle Eastern country, and all the US personnel aboard are killed, there is one compatriot who will regard them as murderers. May they think of this as they look in the mirror."

Just thought I would point this issue out. The quoted article can be found on the website who's name Jonah doesn't care for and where the Instapundit occasionally contributes. I don't intend to make it any easier to find the actual info which could get Americans killed. Yes, yes, I know that this blog is unlikely to be read by any badguys. But just in case.

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